Thursday, October 4, 2012

first steps

Hi!  My name is John and I am a Hypermiler.  What is a Hypermiler you say? Well over the next months to a year, I hope to show you.  You see, a true hypermiler is like starting a diet:  sometimes we go on the diet to achieve certain goals, like losing weight, but we should strive to MAINTAIN a lifestyle of healthy eating.  I hope I can encourage you to MAINTAIN A LIFESTYLE of healthy gas-saving driving.  I mean, cmon, anyone can drive 15 mph in a 25 zone and think they are gonna stop global warming right?  But the most important lessons in hypermiling have taken effect for me over 3 months, then 6 months, then a year.  Depending on my schedule, and how my MMORPGs are doing, I hope to update this with great tips that I have learned from 1 websites about hypermiling and 2 my own personal experiences and those of my close friends.

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