Thursday, September 29, 2016

NEW OPEC DEAL SIGNED MINUTES AGO! What it means for gas prices!!!

The price holds that pervaded the low cost of gas have just let up!

While stocks and Dow/Nasdaq prices may need time to react, it's likely that this will increase gas prices.  A few thoughts come to mind, as is common in this blog.

1.  The low prices are finally over, now it's time to hypermile again
2.  Many people felt the price of gas was lower, undervalued, and are ok to see the higher price of gas boost the economy.

Official targets will not come out for quite some time but an early estimate is $2.49/gal prices by December, especially mid December. 

If you've been reading my blog, then hopefully you were able to save "for a rainy day" during the low gas prices.  Ideally about $10/month more during the undervalue.

If not, it's actually ok.  You may see stocks rise, possibly fed. rates rise, and see some money growth in those areas.

After a busy summer it's a "small cloud" on the hypermiler radar to know that gas prices are likely to rise, but if you want to know how to achieve +3 mpg gas on any car, read this blog!  use the links!  Fortunately there are hypermiling blogs all across the internet.!!!

Monday, July 18, 2016

Pokemon Go and the Stoplight

Unless you live under a rock, you know that Pokemon Go is extremely popular.

Like texting and driving, Pokemon'ing and driving is dangerous.

JUST REMEMBER this analogy for help

Pokemon Go is a stoplight!  Red, Yellow, Green!

Red Light = STOP, don't play pokemon and drive at the same time
Yellow Light = CAUTION:  if you are riding a bicycle make sure you are playing so that you can still see others around you and interact with the real life environment
Green Light = GO  GO walk!  Walking is great for Hypermiling.  How you say? it reminds us that there are alternative methods of transportation besides cars.  Busses, Pedestrian walking, and bicycles are the most popular.  FEEL FREE TO WALK AND PLAY POKEMON GO!

Driving and playing pokemon reduces your ability to be safe mainly.  It also reduces your ability to hypermile due to lack of mindfulness of the road. 

Thursday, June 2, 2016

November 2 is the next "correction"

Likely you will see gas fluctuate at this level until about November 2 day of elections.

It's kind of hard to say exactly what will happen...........

But if a Republican gets elected, price will rise slowly (hypothetically)

If a Dem gets elected, honestly about the same will happen for about 6 months or so.

Main point is to focus on the Nov. 2 date if you want to see any movement up or down.


Thursday, May 19, 2016

Heightened Tension at the $2.00 gas level

I see $1.99 gas all around!

This is great but alot of people are ready for the economy to get back in track.

It's legit to assume many of us aren't hypermiling right now, but might start to bring back the techniques i've illustrated around $2.00 or $2.05 per gallon.


Maintenance, checking your alternator, battery, stuff like that!



Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Questions with Answers that aren't concrete!

The X Files is a great show that begs the question, "what is the truth"

in a more and more complicated world, finding an exact truth regarding "proper gas prices" and "proper commodity prices" is much easier when approaching it as a relative truth.

And that's what i'm getting at.


A few of my other posts have dealt with Real Money v. Fiat Currency, so no need to go into that right now....

But a way to simplify what i'm saying, is to study another market:  GAS v. OTHER COMMODITIES!

(BY THE WAY, as mentioned, this is only a start, not a finish of what i'm trying to say.  Comments, as always, are welcome.)

As you may have seen in previous posts, hypermiling as we know it is changing.  Yet it's not that we have to "throw the baby out with the bath water", bc it's likely we will see "high gas prices" again someday.  Perhaps in a different way.

In the meantime, i ask simply this:  CAN ONE EXTEND HYPERMILING PRACTICES TO OTHER COMMODITIES?  the answer is, YES!

The easiest way i found this out was with Lifehacks.  the Lifehack i think illustrates this best:  Laundry Detergent, Bleach, and other commodities used for cleaning purposes.

You see, Hypermiling in a sense is kind of "straining or yoking your gasoline to go the extra mile".  This is very true when you get to the extra 3 mpg ratio.  Is there a way to "extract" 3 mpg or even more out of other commodities?


As mentioned, i'm no expert, but if you are like me, you are always interested in new Lifehacks or ways to get "better bang for the buck"

1.  ITEM:  Cold Water Tide or other equivalent Cold Water Laundry Detergent  SAVES MONEY ON:  Electricity

Cold Water Tide seems to have come into use around 2005 or so.  I've used it a few times, and found the clothes it needed to wash were pretty much even.  There were a few differences but nothing i can prove beyond a perceived Placebo effect.  What i mean by this is, you feel the clothes when you move them from the washer to the dryer as colder so you may "think" there are more wrinkles or something, but as mentioned i think it's in your mind, not actually a worse product.  (comments are welcome)

Your electricity bill ideally will go down at a "savings of 3 mpg" give or take a few cents.  Assuming you don't buy laundry detergent as much as you fill your car with gas, the math is not exact.  BUT BOTTOM LINE IS IT:S ALMOST MEANINGLESS TO FOCUS HEAVILY ON HYPERMILING IN THIS GAS PRICE CLIMATE!  THAT:S GOOD NEWS!  So become meticulous! meticulous with saving money using cold water detergent

1.  ITEM:  Regular Detergent (or cold water detergent, or bleach)  WATERING THE DETERGENT DOWN  SAVES MONEY ON:  Less dependence i.e. less need to buy laundry detergent.

This is #2 because it's hard to admit for a hypermiler that a commodity causes health issues.  I likely will not spend much time on "inhaling gas fumes" but i will mention that Corporate sold laundry detergent has alot of additives in it.  SO WHY NOT SAVE MONEY AND BE HEALTHY!  Bottom line is, you don't need to super-wash every single garment.  Get a load of clothes that may smell bad but have no visible stains.  WATER down your detergent by up to half but at least 20%.  This can also be done by measuring 20% to half less than you would normally use.  THIS METHOD saves money in a very -close-to-same way as when you hypermiled (oh how i wish i could hypermile normally again lol) and were able to save equ. 3 mpg


Tuesday, February 9, 2016

What i do to pass the time NUMBER 2

When gas is low and hypermiling isn't as important as it used to be...

I pass the time....!!


playing Blizzard games!

What i do to pass the time (in installments)

1.  To pass the time when Hypermiling isn't as needed as it used to be::::


watch the political debates!

Sunday, January 17, 2016

There's more to life than low gas prices? What could it be!

In this post i'm gonna show you three things, from 1 ranked easy, to 2 ranked medium, 3 hard, and if i have enough time, 4 is "extra" .  When i get to 4 bear in mind that only those who have been investing or have talked to a friend that is a professional should be used.  4 is NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART!

1.  What now?  Save money.  Assuming that you want to better yourself.  saving money is a very good idea right now.  I determined that by gas prices in my area being LITERALLY half the price they used to be. This is a good calculation that i will clean up later, but i estimate that if you lived in an area that was averaging $3.19/gal of gas and now is around a bit higher than half of that (at time of writing it was $1.60 here), then HAVE THE AMBITION to save about $10 a month.  Or use that $10 a month somewhere, but it's pretty clear that you have extra money.!  Not only is saving money a great idea, it's kind of necessary.  I'd stick it in the bank in a savings account.  The economy is hurting, and it's important to "bolster" for two reasons:  1.  if you have anything in the market i.e. stocks,/bonds/mutual funds, you lost $10 already.  Make up for that or you are bing "pennywise pound foolish".  SEE MY OTHER POSTS ON HOW TO SAVE MONEY!

INVERSE! Can Gas actually be too low?

Around 2004 i was studying Japanese.  The class was pretty strict, pretty fun, but everyone knew that you couldn't dawdle on your cell phone.  We were committed bright youngsters wanting jobs that involved the Japanese language!  Every day was intense and focused!  Except one day.

It was a blizzard.  I live in the upper midwest, and it gets quite cold.  Half the class wasn't even at the location.  It may be difficult to explain, but we were all pretty low on motivation because the alpha learners that Dr. Sensei enjoyed taunting and mentioning were not there and so it was chaotic, with a little bit of Japanese.  i.e. "The normal rules did not apply that day".

While i do hope that these low gas prices do apply longer than "one day", the example is that the inverse of things can occur in most anything.

WHAT IS NORMAL:  High gas, therefore i hypermile to reduce my gas consumption and save money/not rely on foreign oil etc.

WHAT IS ABNORMAL:  right now.

I'd rather not go on about "oh my i didn't even believe it could get below $2 gas in my area, or "this gas is extremely low" because we've probably had that conversation with our family members.

What do talk about now?  the economy.

I'm not an expert but i do believe the economy is in stagnation/deflation, i.e. bad stuff!  Even if you don't own stocks, you probably have some money in the bank.  Maybe you have a friend that has a retirement fund or a mutual fund.  Or stocks.  THAT FRIEND is "feeling the pinch at the PORTFOLIO LINE".

yes that's right.  people are not losing money due to high gas prices like we saw in the early 2000s.  They are losing money in the stock market!

Is there a solution!!?????  What do i do with all this extra time i had focusing on hypermiling?

to be continued!!!