Thursday, April 6, 2017

4 lane highways allow hypermilers to not obstruct traffic

"Hypermilers obstruct traffic by driving slowly on the road" is something I've heard, and i appreciate people being honest with me about concerns of hypermiling.  The solution is:
find your 4 lane highways where you live.  For me there are two if not three.  If I am in a position where I need to really focus on hypermiling (such as carrying a heavy load or gas above $3.50 / gallon) I will consider a 4 lane highway.  2 lane highways/the interstate are fine but it could be risky if you are in rush hour.

Thanks and re: if questions!

Hypermiling for trucks

great stuff!  this guy wrote this on his own.  A special article on how to hypermile your pick up truck is very helpful.

East coast Prices and new target

While visiting the east coast I saw firsthand that prices seem to be around $2.55 or higher.  It's important to know that baselines I use (which currently is $2.11) are for a reference of the midwest.  So I hope you are adjusting whether or not you are considering hypermiling due to the price you see where you live.  If you haven't read my other posts, here is sort of the spectrum

$2.11 not much hyper miling needed (1)
$2.25 introducing hypermiling to save gas (2)
$2.50  hypermile as usual (3)
$3.00 where gas would be in a normal cycle.  consider getting windgusts off of trucks and such, but don't do it all the time  (4)
$3.50  gas is higher than expected.  Look for other hypermilers near you and discuss positive uses of hypermiling  (5)
$4.00 the "highest level", as which was seen from around 2003-2006.  using public transportation, bicycling, walking, at least once a day is required.  (6)
$4.50 or higher.  Hypermiling required.  (7)

having said all this, it has been unusually nice to have a break from hypermiling.  But i also am excited that when $2.50 is the new target I will integrate the usual techniques.  (rolling through not busy 4 way stops, throwing the car into neutral on hills, etc.)

I expect gas to increase to about $2.50 or so late summer and into september.