Unless you live under a rock, you know that Pokemon Go is extremely popular.
Like texting and driving, Pokemon'ing and driving is dangerous.
JUST REMEMBER this analogy for help
Pokemon Go is a stoplight! Red, Yellow, Green!
Red Light = STOP, don't play pokemon and drive at the same time
Yellow Light = CAUTION: if you are riding a bicycle make sure you are playing so that you can still see others around you and interact with the real life environment
Green Light = GO GO walk! Walking is great for Hypermiling. How you say? it reminds us that there are alternative methods of transportation besides cars. Busses, Pedestrian walking, and bicycles are the most popular. FEEL FREE TO WALK AND PLAY POKEMON GO!
Driving and playing pokemon reduces your ability to be safe mainly. It also reduces your ability to hypermile due to lack of mindfulness of the road.